A month in which Muslims prepare to go to Hajj if they can. In fourteen hundred years of Islamic history there have been forty times when the hajj has been reduced to very few people. This year it is 1000 people as opposed to 2.5 million due to the covid 19 pandemic and is restricted to those living in Saudi Arabia.

As Muslims we are raised to seek the best in every situation knowing that Divine wisdom prevails in all circumstances that are beyond our control.

An awesome teacher once taught me the following dua:

“O Allah! I do not ask You to reverse Your decision but I ask You (to show me) Your Mercy in it.”

The forty days beginning from the 1st of Dhulqa’da are known as Arbaeen Kalimiyya – the forty days which Prophet Musa spent on the mountain ‘talking’ to Divinity.



Lockdown gives us the perfect opportunity to reflect on how to positively make changes in our lives leading up to the day of ‘Arafa .

‘Arafa is called ‘Arafa because it is the day of “ma’rifa” – the day of knowing one’s Rabb (Master) and recognising Him.

The hadith, “Whoever recognizes himself, recognizes his Creator” is narrated for this day.

Imam Husayn (pbuh) in the dua of ‘Arafa says:
“O Rabb! what has he lost who has gained You, and what has he gained who has lost You?”.

It is also the day of acceptance and acknowledgement…

A hadith says; “Those who weren’t able to achieve their purpose and goal in Laylatul Qadr or those who weren’t forgiven on that day, ‘Arafa is the last opportunity for them”.
“This day in its blessedness, sacredness and holiness weighs the same as the Night of Qadr.”

“In days there is no bigger day than Arafa and in Nights there is no greater night than Laylatul Qadr!”

Acknowledgement of submission to Divinity

Acknowledgement of sins, defects, ignorance, mistakes, failures…. & Acknowledgement of His mercy, benevolence, and forgiveness.
Take time out and lay out your plans of how you will reach your full potential….
Do not take them for granted.
Soften your hearts to allow Divinity to take you to your full potential step by step…..
Q Admin

Q Admin

QFatima is a resource function developing innovative, educational material to ensure that a simple, relevant and interactive platform is established for the teaching of Islam. In essence, it is a tool to enable us to understand our faith and be understood.