About Q School

“The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it”
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

QSchool was initiated to be able to use the traditional Madrasa teachings and relate them to modern educational principles. The intent was to be able to translate Qur’anic principles into easy understandable values and practices that would allow the nurturing of a Qur’anic community of learners.


The teaching day is divided into four lessons where students…

Qur’an Recitation

*This is the only lesson where students are taught according to ability, using the Q Read system.

Qur’an Appreciation

Using Qur’an City, we teach the key concepts of each chapter linking them to all the other
Q School strategies.

Cross Curricular

Dedicated to Communicating with Divinity, Internalising Faith, Living Islam and Role Models all interlinked enabling students to have a holistic approach to religion.


The Salaa lesson at the end of the
Q School day is a practical manifestation of the rules learned in class..


QUR’AN APPRECIATION – 3 subjects in byte size sections

    • Names of 114 chapters (1 mnemonic section a week)
    • Overview of Qur’an City (suburb by suburb)
    • Learning of a sura (recitation, memorization & understanding

CROSS CURRICULAR – 4 subjects in byte size learning, each to be woven with an element of behaviour change (ETHICS)

    • Aq’aaid
    • Fiqh
    • Prophets
    • Calendar Events

SALAA – A practical manifestation of the rules learnt