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Discussions on Journalling the Qur’an

Journalling the Qur’an Discussion 01

Class discussion – Introduction to journalling

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Journalling the Qur’an Discussion 02

Class discussion – Imam Ali (pbuh)

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Journalling the Qur’an Discussion 03

Class discussion – Wajib and Mustahab Sajadaat

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Healing from the Qur’an

Journalling the Qur’an 01

Introduction and Broken Heart verse


Journalling the Qur’an 02

Verse relating to illness – 26:80


Journalling the Qur’an 03

Healing from the Qur’an – Fever 21:69 and Memory 20:114


Verses beginning with “O People”

Journalling the Qur’an 04

Verses beginning with O People! – 2:21 & 2:168


Journalling the Qur’an 05

Verse beginning with O People! – 4:1 Risalatul Huquq


Journalling the Qur’an 06

Verse beginning with O People! – 4:174 Qur’an & M14


Journalling the Qur’an 07

Verse beginning with O People! – 7:158 Ittibaa


Journalling the Qur’an 08

Verse beginning with O People! – 10:23 Rebellion


Journalling the Qur’an 09

Verse beginning with O People! – 10:57 Qur’an a healing


Journalling the Qur’an 10

Verse beginning with O People! – 10:104 Testimony of the Prophet

Journalling the Qur’an 11

Verse beginning with O People! – 10:108 Guidance

Journalling the Qur’an 12

Verse beginning with O People! – 22:1 Accountability

Journalling the Qur’an 13

Verse beginning with O People! – 22:5 Contemplation of creation

Journalling the Qur’an 14

Verse beginning with O People! – 22:73 The Fly

Journalling the Qur’an 15

Verse beginning with O People! – 31:33 Qiyama

Journalling the Qur’an 16

Verse beginning with O People! – 35:3 Sustenance

Journalling the Qur’an 17

Verse beginning with O People! – 35:15 Al Ghaniyy

Journalling the Qur’an 18

Verse beginning with O People! – 49:13 Diversity & Taqwa

Verses beginning with “O You who believe!”

Journalling the Qur’an 19

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 2:104 Clarity in speech

Journalling the Qur’an 20

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 2:153 Sabr

Journalling the Qur’an 21

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 2:172 Tayyib & Shukr

Journalling the Qur’an 22

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 2:183 Sawm

Journalling the Qur’an 23

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 2:208 Total Submission

Journalling the Qur’an 24

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 2:254 Good deeds

Journalling the Qur’an 25

Verses beginning with O you who believe! – 2:264-265 Gardens

Journalling the Qur’an 26

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 2:267 Give the best

Journalling the Qur’an 27

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 2:278 Ribaa

Journalling the Qur’an 28

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 2:282 Loan agreement

Journalling the Qur’an 29

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 3:102 Taqwa

Journalling the Qur’an 30

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 3:118 Bitaana

Journalling the Qur’an 31

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 4:43 Tayammum

Journalling the Qur’an 32

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 4:59 Obedience

Journalling the Qur’an 33

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 4:71 Obedience tested

Journalling the Qur’an 34

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 4:94 Don’t be judgemental

Journalling the Qur’an 35

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 4:135 Justice

Journalling the Qur’an 36

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 4:136 Believe

Journalling the Qur’an 37

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 5:1 Commitments

Journalling the Qur’an 38

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 5:6 Wudhoo

Journalling the Qur’an 39

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 5:8 Justice

Journalling the Qur’an 40

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 5:35 Intercession

Journalling the Qur’an 41

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 5:54 – 4 signs of love

Journalling the Qur’an 42

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 5:87 Don’t make halal into haram

Journalling the Qur’an 43

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 5:101 Questions

Journalling the Qur’an 44

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 5:105 Self-care

Journalling the Qur’an 45

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 8:20 Hearing vs Listening

Journalling the Qur’an 46

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 8:24 A man and his heart

Journalling the Qur’an 47

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 8:27 Breaking trust

Journalling the Qur’an 48

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 8:29 – 3 Benefits of taqwa

Journalling the Qur’an 49

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 22:77 – 4 Secrets of success

Journalling the Qur’an 50

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 24:27 Sanctity of one’s home

Journalling the Qur’an 51

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 33:41 Zhikr

Journalling the Qur’an 52

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 33:69 Don’t be like those who hurt Musa

Journalling the Qur’an 53

Verses beginning with O you who believe! – 33:70&71 Positive communication

Journalling the Qur’an 54

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 47:7 Humanity

Journalling the Qur’an 55

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 49:1 Follow and respect the Prophet

Journalling the Qur’an 56

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 49:2 Respect the Prophet

Journalling the Qur’an 57

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 49:6 Chinese whispers

Journalling the Qur’an 58

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 49:11 Corrupt nouns

Journalling the Qur’an 59

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 49:12 Ethical Principles

Journalling the Qur’an 60

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 57:28 Belief in the Prophet

Journalling the Qur’an 61

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 58:9 Secret meetings

Journalling the Qur’an 62

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 58:11 Majlis etiquettes

Journalling the Qur’an 63

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 59:18 Investing in the future

Journalling the Qur’an 64

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 60:13 Life after death

Journalling the Qur’an 65

Verses beginning with O you who believe! – 61:2&3 Walk the talk

Journalling the Qur’an 66

Verses beginning with O you who believe! – 61:10-13 Formula for success

Journalling the Qur’an 67

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 61:14 Helpers of Allah

Journalling the Qur’an 68

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 63:9 Wealth and children

Journalling the Qur’an 69

Verses beginning with O you who believe! – 64:14&15 Family & Humanity balance

Journalling the Qur’an 70

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 66:6 A Volcanic Eruption

Journalling the Qur’an 71

Verse beginning with O you who believe! – 66:8 Part 1 – Turning to Divinity

Journalling the Qur’an 72

Verses beginning with O you who believe! – 66:8 Part 2 – A paradigm shift

Key Ayaat

Journalling the Qur’an 73

Key Ayaat – Ayatul Kursi 2:255

Journalling the Qur’an 74

Key Ayaat – Ayatul Birr 2:177

Journalling the Qur’an 75

Key Ayaat – Ayatul Mulk 3:26-27

Journalling the Qur’an 76

Key Ayaat – Ayatush Shahada 3:18-19

Journalling the Qur’an 77

Key Ayaat – Amaner Rasul 2:285-286

Journalling the Qur’an 78

Key Ayaat – Ayatul Kareema 21:87

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QFatima is a resource function developing innovative, educational material to ensure that a simple, relevant and interactive platform is established for the teaching of Islam. In essence, it is a tool to enable us to understand our faith and be understood.