The chapter begins with a powerful statement introducing Allah as the Universal Creator and His total power. The Makkans for not taking heed of the Prophet are rejected by Allah, after which He reminds them of the fate of previous generations who ignored divine messengers. He specifies His absolute knowledge of everything and being the One who delivers from distress. This consoles the Prophet in the face of the rejection by the Makkans.
Prophet Ibraheem’s discourse about worshipping anything other than Allah whether it be the stars, moon and sun is followed by reflection on Allah as the Creator and Giver of both life and death.A directive to eat meat on which Allah’s name is mentioned (halal) is followed by a comparison of the consequences of belief in Divinity (security and peace) versus the humiliation and agitation suffered by those who cover up the truth.
The chapter then addresses the innovative restrictions made up by the Makkans regarding the consumption of certain kinds of meats countering it with a simple set of dietary laws and a concise list of divine commands and prohibitions. Finally, it concludes with verses on monotheistic belief and utter devotion to Divinity in prayer, sacrifice, life and death.