And, O my people! give full measure and weight fairly, and defraud not men their things,

Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) had a son called Midian who married one of the daughters of Prophet Lut (pbuh). Allah granted them lots of children and they settled in a place which was later to be called Midian (Madyan). It was situated on the outskirts of Hijaz but within the borders of Syria. Prophet Shu’ayb (pbuh) was sent by Allah to the people of Madyan. They were business people who were not fair in their dealings. They used to short change them.
Prophet Shu’ayb had a staff, which was the one given to Prophet Musa with which he parted the River Nile. Prophet Shu’ayb is known as ‘Khatîbul Ambiya’ because his sermons were very beautiful. The people of Madyan however, turned a deaf ear saying he was a liar. They continued to mock him. An earthquake shook the city flattening it.