Imam Ja’fer Al-Sadiq


Name: Ja’fer (meaning a stream – in tradition a stream in paradise)
Parents: Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (pbuh) and Fatima (Umme Farwa)
Kuniyya: Abu Abdullah
Titles: Faazil (excellent), Tahir (pure), Qaim (steadfast), Saabir(patient), Musaddiq, Kaashiful, Haqaeeq (revealer of mysteries)
Most well known as Sadiq (truthful)
Birth: Madina – 17th Rabiul Awwal 82 A.H.
Death: Poisoned by Mansur Dawaniqi
(died on 25th Shawwal 148 A.H. or 15th Rajab/Shawwal).
Buried in Jannatul Baqee, Madina

Born in Madina in 83 AH, his mother was a scholar – Umm Farwa (granddaughter of Muhammad bin Abu Bakr). He continued the advancement of knowledge like his father.

Thousands of students of ahadith (Prophetic sayings) would gather around him and learn directly from him. Besides religious sciences, the study of natural sciences, also flourished under his leadership. Companions such as Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber), who is known as the Father of Chemistry would carry the name of their teacher into the world. Imam died in 148 AH.