22 JULY 2024

It’s been a week dedicated to tying loose ends. Answering the feedback and questions from the majalis has been time consuming and tedious. Have Alhamdulillah answered all 137 WhatsApp messages and the countless phone queries.
The questions ranged from “Why is there no punishment raining on the unjust?” to “Why did you pick Suratul Inshiqaaq?”
Now it’s trying to focus on the Ashre Zaynabiyya majalis and everything else in between

Would like to share some thoughts on what I am reading this week about the most awesome man who walked the earth
He overawes me every time I read about him. I fall in love again and again with this man… The Qur’an says he is for is the best of those to emulate if we wish to reach our personal best – Like some sort of obsession  I want to find out everything about him – how he sat, walked, slept…what he ate, drank, liked , didn’t like… what made him tick….Ever time I read about him -there is something new to fall in love with……
Ill list some of the stuffs:
1.      His favourite perfume was Musk
2.      He used Violet oil for his hair and body
3.      He structured his seating so it was always towards Qibla
4.      Favourite foods were watermelon, grapes, dry dates with milk, vinegar, endives, chicory and purslane ( look it up on your search engines)
5.      Favourite colours for clothes were white and green – for white he said “Clothe your living and shroud your dead with it”
6.      When ill, the chosen foods were apples and cold water and avoidance of dates…..
7.      His favourite sura was Suratul A’laa….
Have attached Sunan An Nabi by Allama Mohammed Husayn Taba Tabai for you to read and fall in love (don’t mind sharing him..)💞

15 JULY 2024

“…..If you live in far and distant lands and are unable to travel to visit the grave of Imam Husayn (pbuh), turn towards the direction of his grave,  send greetings to him and ask Allah to withdraw His Mercy from his enemies….” Imam Baqir (pbuh)

Ziyara is derived from the word ‘zawr’ which means to deflect or draw away from something. A ZAAIR moves away from everything but the one he wishes to visit. There is a total focus on the person one visits so much so that one becomes one or united either through a physical or spiritual and esoteric meeting.
Ziyara ‘Ashura is attributed to Imam Muhammad Baqir (pbuh) who passed it to his companions.
There are two versions of Ziyara ‘Ashura – one is the popular text and the other is not so popular.
It has been printed in Bihar al-Anwar by Muhammad Baqir Majlisi(d. 1111) and Mafatih al- Jinan by Abbas Qumi (d. 1359). The text  in Bihar is based on Kamil al-Ziyārat by Ja`far b. Qulawah(d. 368) whilst the text  in Mafatih is based on Misbah al-Mutahijjid written by Abu Jafar b  Muhammad Ibn Hassan Tusi(d. 460).
Ziyara ‘Ashura  is a dedication of oneself to  Imam and his cause, a separation from his enemies, a declaration of faith and loyalty, a committing and firmness to the cause.  It is an expression of TAWALLA – Seeking perfection and TABARRA – SO I AM RUNNING TOWARDS PERFECTION HUSAYN AWAY FROM IMPERFECTION. YAZID

In the first instance it means being free of fault, error, danger and trouble in what is to come. Allah is the source of safety from all that it is bad for creation, this safety is uninterrupted, un faltering, un weakening and it continues to eternity. When you hear Salaam it means peace, conveying unconditional security and assurance of tranquillity. When one greets Imam, it is the reply from him that constitutes the miraculous effect of the Ziyara.  Pronouncing  the blessing of peace when we greet someone by saying  Assalamu alaykum is also a manifestation of the Divine  attribute –  As Salaam.

La’na is a Dua to withdraw divine mercy. It literally means to deprive the rights available to one as a citizen. It is not abuse. The word for abuse in the Qur’an is SABB. “And do not abuse those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest exceeding their limits they abuse Allah out of their ignorance…”6:108
It is simply a way to show  rejection from the path that is unjust and rejecting all the people who are unjust.

12 JULY 2024

Am a little ‘talked’ out especially after todays three majalis  so will keep the update short 

The most awesome experience has been the children at the afternoon majalis at Stanmore. They are just geniuses in the making.
A bonus this year has been to have Sajida there. She has a calming effect on the children and her smile placates them all.

In a matter of a week, the majority grasp the basic concepts of Suratul Fajr that would challenge  adults who have recited it for years.

I have loads of scraps of paper with messages from the little ones and I will keep them in my kafan to be buried with as a means of shafa’a….

The awesomeness of children is that they practise what they learn
… One little 7 year old young man showed me his book and the page he had left for his wedding day (“That’s with you Ummi Aunty” he said “I don’t mind if you’re old”) .
If I were to remain in prostration to thank HIM for the rest of my life, it would not be enough for the opportunity to learn from such awesome little ones….

11 JULY 2024

“If saying Husayn gives liberation, if reciting Quran without understanding gives guidance, then saying water would quench your thirst and saying food would banish hunger….”
Saying Yaa Husayn is more than just words on a tongue, it’s about falling in love with the Rabb of Husayn.

8 JULY 2024


AYATULLAH BEHJAT – “Do not say you are going to a majlis but for the Ziyara (meeting) with Abaa Abdillah”
Ziyara is derived from the word ‘zawr’ which means to deflect or draw away from something. A ZAAIR moves away from everything but the one he wishes to visit. There is a total focus on the person one visits so much so that one becomes one or united either through a physical or spiritual and esoteric meeting.
 Ziyara is an expression of LOVE

Do you read Ziyara every day? Week? Month?
What’s stopping you going on your roof looking left and right and saying

When you are confronted with adversity seek help from Husayn with Ziyara
Power of shafaa’a


Have you got your mindeel ( handkerchief)? 😢
“Yabna Shabeeb, If you weep on the afflictions of Husayn such that tears fall upon your cheeks, Allah will forgive all your sins – big and small – less or lots. If one tear is thrown into the pit of Jahannam, its heat would subside.” Imam Ridha (pbuh)

(Died 1990 – 1.5 million people attended the funeral)
“After giving me kafan, place on my chest the handkerchief which I used to wipe the tears in the mourning of my grandfather Husayn”

7 JULY 2024

And so looking forward to an energising 10 days of majalis…….
There is nothing this week  but Husayn. It’s waking up thinking of Husayn, breathing Husayn, living Husayn and everything Husayn. 
The challenge is to live and grow from what will be learnt over these phenomenal days….
 Am in ‘majlis writing’ mode   so will keep todays update   short 
My papa used to recite a marthiya which said “If God gives life we will continue with remembering you Husayn , and if he takes life away we will remember you in our graves”

I’d like to share a verse from Allama Iqbal  – Am completely enamoured by him.
 “Khuda tuje kisi toofan se ashna karde; ke tere bahar ki mawjon me iztirab nahin”
“May God bring a storm into your life; The waves in the sea of your life are devoid of movement”
Basically, growth can only take place with movement……

28 JUNE 2024

And it’s all about Muharram
I remember the preparation that was done for the 10 days leading upto ‘Ashura. My father used to ensure that the Centre was cleaned, the black banners put up….
He used to practise the marthiyas and nawhas and his business was a forgotten entity for weeks….
My grand mother made sure our old clothes were dyed black……
I still see her sitting on a stool in front of a loarge cauldron of black dye. .
Why? I would ask and she would say “Its about being a Husaini”

First of Muharram 1446
Monday 8/7/24
Fasting on 1st day of Muharram is highly recommended.
Imam Ridha (pbuh) asks his companion, Ar Rayyan ibn Shabeeb – “Are you fasting?” He answers no.
Imam then says: “Yabna Shabeeb! This is the day when Zakariyya at 75 years prayed to his Rabb (3:38) for a child. Allah accepts his dua and commands angel to go to his mihraab and announce the good news of a son Yahya (3:39).
One who fasts and invokes Allah He will answer as he answered  the dua of Zakariyya” In other words made the impossible possible…..
 It is mustahab to fast on the first nine days of the month.
 Majalis at all the Centres for 10 days from Sunday night.  Please ensure you try and  go for there is no place that gives  peace like the ‘farsh’ of Husayn (pbuh).
Once again I have been given the honour to recite the majalis of Husayn (pbuh); it is an awesome opportunity but it comes with butterflies, brain freezes,  panic attacks and moments of sheer terror…. Need your duas desperately…
I have to share a greeting for Muharram from my inter faith friends after I had explained the concept of Ashura to them… “Thank you for the explanation. I’ll be with you in thought for the 10 days as you reflect on the detrimental effects of oppression. May the hearts of all oppressors be moved to compassion for the oppressed.”

Q Admin

Q Admin

QFatima is a resource function developing innovative, educational material to ensure that a simple, relevant and interactive platform is established for the teaching of Islam. In essence, it is a tool to enable us to understand our faith and be understood.